北島の都市、ウェリントンの郊外にTe Omanga Hospiceは位置しています。ニュージーランドでは、多くの方が自宅で最期の時間を過ごすことを望み、それを実現しています。Te Omanga Hospiceは、外来・入院・在宅での緩和ケアを行なっている施設で、年間320人の患者さんを看取っているそうです。
Te Omanga Hospice, located in Lower Hutt, in the North Island of New Zealand provides inpatient, outpatient, and home-based palliative care. Thanks to the doctors and medical staff at both TKH and Te Omanga Hospice, I had the opportunity to visit there on an elective.
Te Omanga Hospice has eight beds for patients who need acute symptom control or for terminal care but these days, many patients prefer to spend as much time, and ideally the end of their life in their own home.
Family meetings play a vital role to achieve good quality of life for patients with terminal illness. I attended one of these family meetings for a Maori patient – it started with a Karakia, a prayer in the patient’s native language. After the prayer, we discussed the present situation, the patient’s goals and likely future prospects. We discussed what was needed for him, what could be provided and then set goals together. At the end of the meeting, we sang a song putting our arms around each other’s shoulders.
Being separated from a loved one is never easy. However, they remind us of how precious life is. They teach us to live as if each moment is a gift. Dying is a normal process. Death is necessary for our life to be meaningful. The days I spent at Te Omanga Hospice were some of the most peaceful and serene of my life and made me realize the essential things in life.